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Abbreviations of journals and proceedings:

BJZhJ Bod ljongs zhib 'jug
EW East and West
IA Indian Antiquary
IIJ Indo-Iranian Journal
JA Journal Asiatique
JRAS Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society
KBShR Krung go'i bod kyi shes rig
PIATS Narita Ihara, Sh., Yamaguchi, Z. (eds.): Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the 5th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Narita 1989. 2 vols. Narita 1992.
PIATS Fagernes Kvaerne, P. (ed.): Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the Sixth Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Fagernes 1992. 2 vols. Oslo 1994.
PIATS Graz Krasser, H., Much, M.T., Steinkellner, E., Tauscher, H. (eds.): Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz 1995. 2 vols. Wien 1997.
TJ The Tibet Journal
WZKS Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens

Baker, I.A., Laird, T.: The Dalai Lama's Secret Temple. Tantric Wall Paintings from Tibet. London 2000.

Chab spel tshe brtan phun tshogs: Kong po de mo'i rdo brkos yi ge'i skor gleng ba. BJZhJ 1985.2, 80-91.

Chab spel tshe brtan phun tshogs: bTsan po'i dus kyi brag brkos yig ris gcig gsar du mtshams sbyor zhus pa. KBShR 1988.1, 44-53.

Chen, J.: Bod kyi rdo ring yi ge dang dril bu'i kha byang. Beijing 1984.

Chen, J. / Wang, Y.: Bod kyi gna' rabs yig cha gces bsdus. Beijing 1983.

De Rossi Filibeck, E.: Later Inscriptions in the Tabo gTsug lag khaṅ. In: Petech, L., Luczanits, C. (eds.): Inscriptions from the Tabo Main Temple. Texts and Translations. Roma 1999, 189-206.

Decleer, H.: Review of 'Steinkellner, E.: Sudhana's Miraculous Journey in the Temple of Ta pho. The inscriptional text of the Gaṇḍavyūhasūtra, edited with introductory remarks. Roma 1995'. TJ XXIV, No. 2 (1999), 75-82.

Denwood, P.: Temple and Rock Inscriptions of Alchi. In: Snellgrove, D.L., Skorupski, T.: The Cultural Heritage of Ladakh 2. Zangskar and the Cave Temples of Ladakh. Warminster 1980, 117-163.

Denwood, P.: The Tibetans in the Western Himalayas and Karakoram, Seventh-Eleventh Centuries: Rock Art and Inscriptions. Journal of Inner Asian Art and Archaeology 2 (2007), 49-58.

Denwood, P. T., Howard, N. F.: Inscriptions at Balukhar and Char Zampa and Archaeological Observations on the Fort of Balukhar and its Environs. In: Skorupski, T.: Indo-Tibetan Studies. Papers in honour and appreciation of Professor David L. Snellgrove's contribution to Indo-Tibetan Studies. Tring 1990, 81-88.

Francke, A.H.: The Rock Inscriptions at Mulbe. IA 35 (1906), 72-81.

Francke, A.H.: Archaeology in Western Tibet. Khalatse. IA 35 (1906), 237-241.

Francke, A.H.: Archaeology in Western Tibet. Khalatse. II - Inscriptions at Saspola. IA 35 (1906), 325-333.

Francke, A.H.: First Collection of Tibetan Historical Inscriptions on Rock and Stone from West Tibet. Erste Sammlung tibetischer historischer Inschriften auf Felsen und Steinen in West Tibet Leh 1906.

Francke, A.H.: Second Collection of Tibetan Historical Inscriptions on Rock and Stone from Western Tibet. Zweite Sammlung tibetischer historischer Inschriften auf Felsen und Steinen in West Tibet Leh 1907.

Francke, A.H.: Archaeology in Western Tibet. III - Inscriptions at Basgo and Nyemo. IA 36 (1907), 85-98, 148.

Francke, A.H.: Felseninschriften in Ladakh. In: Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse. Jahrgang 1925 . Berlin 1925, 366-371.

Heller, A.: Buddhist Images and Rock Inscriptions from Eastern Tibet, VIIIth to Xth Century, Part IV. In: PIATS Graz, 386-398.

Huth, G.: Die Inschriften von Tsaghan Baišiṅ. Tibetisch-Mongolischer Text. Mit einer Übersetzung sowie sprachlichen und historischen Erläuterungen. Leipzig 1894.

Iwao, K., Hill, N., Takeuchi, T. (eds) (with the collaboration of Hoshi, I. and Imaeda, Y.): Old Tibetan Inscriptions. Tokyo 2009.

Jahoda, C., Papa-Kalantari, C.: Eine frühe buddhistische Steinststele (rDo ring) in sPu rang, Westtibet: Eine Neuuntersuchung. Bericht einer österreichisch-tibetischen Feldforschung. Asiatische Studien - Études Asiatiques LXIII 2. 2009, 349-400.

'Jam dbyangs: bSam yas kyi rdo ring dang dril bu'i skor gleng ba. BJZhJ 1984.4, 50-56.

Karmay, S.G.: Inscriptions Dating from the Reign of btsan po Khri lDe-srong-btsan. In: PIATS Graz, 477-486.

Li, F.K., Coblin, W.S.: A Study of the Old Tibetan Inscriptions. Taipei 1987.

Linrothe, R.: A Winter in the Field. Orientations 38 (2007), 40-53.

Lo Bue, E.: On Some Inscriptions in the Temples of the bum-pa of the Great Stupa at Gyantse. EW 50.1-4 (2000), 387-437.

Luczanits, C.: Minor Inscriptions and Captions in the Tabo gTsug lag khaṅ. In: Petech, L., Luczanits, C.: Inscriptions from the Tabo Main Temple. Texts and Translations. Roma 1999, 95-188.

gNya gong dkon mchog tshe brtan, Padma 'bum: Yul shul khul kyi bod bstan po'i skabs kyi rten yig brag brkos ma 'ga'. KBShR 1988.4, 52-65, 75.

Pa sangs dbang 'dus: gSar du rnyed pa'i btsan po'i skabs kyi brag brkos yi ge. BJZhJ 1982.2, 154-156, 106.

Pa sangs dbang 'dus (Pasang Wangdu): gSar du rnyed pa'i khrom chen rdo ring yi ge'i mtshams sbyor. In: PIATS Graz, 733-743.

Richardson, H.E.: Tibetan Inscriptions at Žva-ḥi Lha khaṅ. Part I. JRAS 1952, 133-154.

Richardson, H.E.: Tibetan Inscriptions at Žva-ḥi Lha khaṅ. Part II. JRAS 1953, 1-12.

Richardson, H.E.: A Ninth Century Inscription from Rkoṅ-po. JRAS 1954, 157-173.

Richardson, H.E.: A New Inscription of Khri srong lDe brtsan. JRAS 1964, 1-13.

Richardson, H.E.: The Inscription at the Tomb of Khri lde Srong brtsan. JRAS 1969, 29-38.

Richardson, H.E.: The rKong-po Inscription. JRAS 1972, 30-39.

Richardson, H.E.: The sKar-cung Inscription. JRAS 1973, 12-20.

Richardson, H.E.: Ch'ing Dynasty Inscriptions at Lhasa. Roma 1974.

Richardson, H.E.: The Sino-Tibetan Treaty Inscription of A.D. 821/823 at Lhasa. JRAS 1978, 137-162.

Richardson, H.E.: A Corpus of Early Tibetan Inscriptions. Hertford 1985.

Richardson, H.E.: Early Tibetan Inscriptions: Some Recent Discoveries. Tibet Journal XII.2 (1987), 3-15.

Richardson, H.E.: More Early Inscriptions from Tibet. Bulletin of Tibetology. New Series. 1988. No. 2, 5-7.

Schlagintweit, E.: Tibetische Inschrift aus dem Kloster Hémis in Ladák. Sitzungsberichte der königl. bayer. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu München 1864, Bd. II, 305-318.

Singh, A.K.: Rangrig rtse: An Early Buddhist Temple in Kinnaur - Western Himalayas. In: PIATS Graz, 885-890.

Steinkellner, E.: Sudhana's Miraculous Journey in the Temple of Ta pho. The inscriptional text of the Gaṇḍavyūhasūtra, edited with introductory remarks. Roma 1995.

Steinkellner, E.: Notes on the function of two 11 th-century inscriptional sūtra texts in Tabo: Gaṇḍavyūhasūtra and Kṣitigarbhasūtra. In: Scherrer-Schaub, C.A., Steinkellner, E. (eds.): Tabo Studies II. Manuscripts, Texts, Inscriptions, and the Arts. Roma 1999, 243-274.

Steinkellner, E., Luczanits, C.: The Renovation Inscription of the Tabo gTsug lag khaṅ. New Edition and Translation. In: Petech, L., Luczanits, C. (eds.): Inscriptions from the Tabo Main Temple. Texts and Translations. Roma 1999,9-28.

Tauscher, H.: The «Admonitory Inscription» in the Tabo 'Du khaṅ. In: Petech, L., Luczanits, C. (eds.): Inscriptions from the Tabo Main Temple. Texts and Translations. Roma 1999, 29-94.

Thakur, L.S.: A Tibetan Inscription by lHa Bla-ma Ye-shes-'od from dKor (sPu) rediscovered. JRAS 1994 (third ser., vol. 4, part 3), 369-375.

Thakur, L.S.: An inscribed brass statue of Byams-pa (Maitreya) from Tsa-rang, Kinnaur. Arts Asiatiques 49 (1994), 123-124. 

Thakur, L.S.: Tibetan Historical Inscriptions from Kinnaur and Lahaul-Spiti: A Survey of Recent Discoveries. In: PIATS Graz, 967-979.

Thakur, L.S.: Buddhism in the Western Himalaya. A Study of the Tabo Monastery. New Delhi 2001.

Thakur, L.S.: Visualizing a Buddhist Sutra. Text and Figure in Himalayan Art. New Delhi 2005.

Tropper, K.: Die Akṣobhyavyūhasūtra-Inschrift in Alchi. Ein Beitrag zur Kanjurforschung (Vienna University MA-thesis, 1996. English summary in: WZKS XLIV (2000), 232-234). [download here]

Tropper, K.: Die Jātaka-Inschriften im skor lam chen mo des Klosters Zha lu. Einführung, textkritische Studie, diplomatische Edition der Paneele 1-8 mit Sanskritparallelstellen und einer deutschen Übersetzung (Vienna University Ph.D.-thesis, 2001. English summary in: WZKS XLV (2001), 205-208).

Tropper, K.: Die Jātaka-Inschriften im skor lam chen mo des Klosters Zha lu. Einführung, textkritische Studie, Edition der Paneele 1-8 mit Sanskritparallelen und deutscher Übersetzung. Wien 2005. [download p. 1-156 and 271-280 here]

Tropper, K.: The Buddha-vita in the skor lam chen mo at Zha lu Monastery. In: Kellner, B., Krasser, H., Lasic, H., Much, M. T., Tauscher, H. (eds): Pramāṇakīrtiḥ. Papers Dedicated to Ernst Steinkellner on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday. Wien 2007, 941-973.

Tropper, K.: The Historical Inscription in the Gsum brtsegs Temple at Wanla, Ladakh. In: Klimburg-Salter, D., Tropper, K., Jahoda, C. (eds): Text, Image and Song in Transdisciplinary Dialogue. Proceedings of the Tenth Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Oxford 2003. Vol. 7, Leiden 2007, 105-150. (text available at: http://ebooks.brillonline.nl/)

Tropper, K.: Tibetische Epigraphik: Mani-Mauern und Stifter-Inschriften. Ursache & Wirkung 60. 2007, 60–61. [download here]

Tropper, K.: Tibetische Epigraphik, Teil 2: Die Stifterinschrift aus Khar im Pin-Tal (Spiti, Himachal Pradesh). Ursache & Wirkung 62. 2007, 58–59. [download here]

Tropper, K.: Tibetan Inscriptions with Excerpts from Kanjur and Tanjur Texts. In: Klimburg-Salter, D., Liang, J., Tauscher, H., Zhou, Y. (eds): The Cultural History of Western Tibet. Research from the China Tibetology Research Center and the University of Vienna., Wien, Beijing 2008, 164-172 (Chin.), 363-370 (Engl.).

Tropper, K.: The Founding Inscription in the gSer khaṅ of Lalung (Spiti, Himachal Pradesh). Dharamsala 2008. [download pages 1-19 here]

Tropper, K.: New Evidence on the “Renovation Inscription” at Tabo Monastery. Rivista di Studi Sudasiatici III 2008, 181–200. (text available at: http:/fupress.net/rss)

Tropper, K.: “A Thousand Maṇis in Immutable Stone”. A Donor Inscription at Nako Village (Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh). In: John Bray, Elena De Rossi Filibeck (eds): Mountains, Monasteries and Mosques. Recent Research on Ladakh and the Western Himalaya. Proceedings of the 13th Colloquium of the International Association for Ladakh Studies. Supplemento No. 2 alla "Rivista degli Studi Orientali". Nueva serie. Roma 2009, 87-96.

Tropper, K.: The Caityapradakṣiṇagāthā Inscription in Alchi. A Valuable Witness for Kanjur Studies. With an Appendix by Gudrun Melzer. Berliner Indologische Studien 19 (2010), 15-70.

Tropper, K.: Inscriptions and Captions in the Gu ru lha khang at Nako, Kinnaur. In: E. Lo Bue, Ch. Luczanits (eds): Tibetan Art and Architecture in Context: Proceedings of the Eleventh Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Königswinter 2006, Vol. 20. Andiast 2010, 143-74. 

Tucci, G.: Indo-Tibetica III. I templi del Tibet Occidentale e il loro simbolismo artistico. Parte I. Spiti e Kunavar. Roma 1935.

Tucci, G.: Indo-Tibetica IV. Gyantse ed i suoi monasteri. 3 vols. Roma 1941.

Tucci, G.: The Tombs of the Tibetan Kings. Roma 1950.

Uebach, H.: Ein Beitrag zur Dokumentation der Inschrift von rKoṅ-po. Sankt Augustin 1985.

Vohra, R.: Historical Documents from the Nubra Valley. Part 1: Facsimile Edition of Stone-inscriptions and of the History of the bDe-skyid-Monastery. Sankt Augustin 1985.

Waddell, L.A.: Ancient Historical Edicts at Lhasa. JRAS 1909, 923-952.

Wun cang: Khri srong lde btsan rdo rings brkos yig tshod 'grel byas pa. BJZhJ 1982.2, 57-76.

Wang, Y.: Tufan jinshilu. Beijing 1982.